Saturday, December 20, 2008
My blog has been dead for over 2 months D: but now that the year is about to end, i guess it's important that i sum up the year in a few lessons that i've learnt, such that next time when i grow up, i can look back and think 'what the fuck?', which would doubtlessly have therapeutic qualities. it would also provide the additional benefit of teaching juniors perhaps a few survival skills in JC, which is a huge difference from secondary school.
Lesson 1:
Fuck up your secondary school results.
It is important to keep in mind when you are secondary 4 to do badly (or at least, not to do very well) in school. In fact, this should be your top priority, simply because if you do well, you will be dumped in a class full of people who love to do nothing but study (and hence did well). Hence, if you have only enough memory space for one thing, it should be the fact that secondary school life is meant to be fun, and not to study (perhaps paul tern should take notes). Considering the fact that you will be going to RJC anyway, you should make full use of this opportunity to prevent fking up your life, and instead fking up your results. Because when you go to jc i'm pretty sure you will wish you could go back to secondary school and mess up your life. I'm glad i did, but i obviously did not mess it up enough.
Lesson 2:
There are many more idiots than you think there are.
This is another important lesson that i have learnt in RJC, which is that no matter how retarded you think someone is, there will be someone equally retarded, or even more retarded. For example, in sec4, i thought jorel was retarded. Okay, i admit this was a bad example, simply because there are few as retarded as him. However in JC, there are also idiots who would love to spend every break discussing their studies, their abilities (at studying and in general being a wanker) and their grades. Sometimes, they also love to throw in some chemistry or biology discussion, in order to make things cooler and more hip to the public. Of course, I might be the idiot, because of my inability to comprehend the coolness of studying and boasting about my results, and also completing the syllabus before everyone else. Perhaps I am just too lousy in order to hang with this awesome crowd. There are also some idiots who assume 'there is no gravity' when completing physics exams (I think i might be overlapping with my earlier sentence dealing with jorel. however, i'd like to keep the identity of such idiots a secret) and sometimes it never ceases to amaze me how retarded people can get. If you ever spot such idiots, especially those who look like shit and love to mug, please help to sterilize them. With bullets, if you can find some. If not, use your hands.
Lesson 3:
Girls like money.
If you are a guy, it is vital that you grasp this concept. Which is that girls love money. In RJC it is possible to find girls who love receiving gifts from you without repaying you in any way. These golddiggers (whom i guess are kinda like smart prostitutes) are hard to recognize, because some of them are able to pretend to have feelings for you, whereas what they actually have feelings for is your wallet. Which although should be in your pocket, pretty close to your penis, is not really that great as you might think. In fact, many girls would love to have money thrown at them by various guys, and is probably the only reason why she would talk to them in the first place. So, I think that it's a really important lesson to learn, which is that girls like money probably a lot more than they like you. Unless you are made of money. Then I'd like you too, and would probably start touching you. *rustle rustle* ooh dollar notes! and... is that your pennies?
Lesson 4:
Ugly camwhores should be shot dead.
This is yet another crucial lesson which i think should be emphasized to the entire student population. Although I must admit there is nothing wrong with camwhoring, camwhores who look ugly should be killed immediately. This is because with the increase in numbers of social networking websites such as Facebook, it is inevitable that an ugly girl (guys who like to camwhore are usually fags) will end up spamming it with photos of herself, robbing decent people of their eyesight and quite possibly, lives. Such visual terrorists should be locked up, because being visually assaulted by 10000 photos of ugly people smiling at cameras is more than some can handle, and should in fact be classified a Weopon of Mass Distruction. If i were the president, i would go to rjc, and declare a large 'camwhoring session'. I would then separate the eager goodlooking camwhores from the ugly ones, and shoot the latter with huge bullets shaped like cameras so that there would be quite a large quantity of irony involved (getting shot by a camera). I would then proceed to take (nude) pictures with the goodlooking camwhores. But i guess such things are only the stuff of dreams.
Lesson 5:
Your old friends are best.

Remember that it's hard to find good times like that anymore.
I realise that there are still many more valuable lessons that I have picked up, and will be able to pass on to others, and that just one post is not enough. So i shall post again tomorrow.
One day i will write a book and earn lots of money. then i will eat the money. and perhaps the book as well.
Because i am awesome like that.
about me
still waiting & wishing i could go back
avril lavigne, boys like girls,
daughtry, good charlotte, hinder, kanye west, linkin park, matchbox 20, nickelback,
one republic, paramore, robbie williams, simple plan, the all-american rejects, the red jumpsuit apparatus, weird al yankovic :D and a lot more!
more time in my life, a few more days with my old class, to be more friendly (:
wasting time with my friends, reading, drawing, writing, laughing, shouting loudly ^^
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My blog has been dead for over 2 months D: but now that the year is about to end, i guess it's important that i sum up the year in a few lessons that i've learnt, such that next time when i grow up, i can look back and think 'what the fuck?', which would doubtlessly have therapeutic qualities. it would also provide the additional benefit of teaching juniors perhaps a few survival skills in JC, which is a huge difference from secondary school.
Lesson 1:
Fuck up your secondary school results.
It is important to keep in mind when you are secondary 4 to do badly (or at least, not to do very well) in school. In fact, this should be your top priority, simply because if you do well, you will be dumped in a class full of people who love to do nothing but study (and hence did well). Hence, if you have only enough memory space for one thing, it should be the fact that secondary school life is meant to be fun, and not to study (perhaps paul tern should take notes). Considering the fact that you will be going to RJC anyway, you should make full use of this opportunity to prevent fking up your life, and instead fking up your results. Because when you go to jc i'm pretty sure you will wish you could go back to secondary school and mess up your life. I'm glad i did, but i obviously did not mess it up enough.
Lesson 2:
There are many more idiots than you think there are.
This is another important lesson that i have learnt in RJC, which is that no matter how retarded you think someone is, there will be someone equally retarded, or even more retarded. For example, in sec4, i thought jorel was retarded. Okay, i admit this was a bad example, simply because there are few as retarded as him. However in JC, there are also idiots who would love to spend every break discussing their studies, their abilities (at studying and in general being a wanker) and their grades. Sometimes, they also love to throw in some chemistry or biology discussion, in order to make things cooler and more hip to the public. Of course, I might be the idiot, because of my inability to comprehend the coolness of studying and boasting about my results, and also completing the syllabus before everyone else. Perhaps I am just too lousy in order to hang with this awesome crowd. There are also some idiots who assume 'there is no gravity' when completing physics exams (I think i might be overlapping with my earlier sentence dealing with jorel. however, i'd like to keep the identity of such idiots a secret) and sometimes it never ceases to amaze me how retarded people can get. If you ever spot such idiots, especially those who look like shit and love to mug, please help to sterilize them. With bullets, if you can find some. If not, use your hands.
Lesson 3:
Girls like money.
If you are a guy, it is vital that you grasp this concept. Which is that girls love money. In RJC it is possible to find girls who love receiving gifts from you without repaying you in any way. These golddiggers (whom i guess are kinda like smart prostitutes) are hard to recognize, because some of them are able to pretend to have feelings for you, whereas what they actually have feelings for is your wallet. Which although should be in your pocket, pretty close to your penis, is not really that great as you might think. In fact, many girls would love to have money thrown at them by various guys, and is probably the only reason why she would talk to them in the first place. So, I think that it's a really important lesson to learn, which is that girls like money probably a lot more than they like you. Unless you are made of money. Then I'd like you too, and would probably start touching you. *rustle rustle* ooh dollar notes! and... is that your pennies?
Lesson 4:
Ugly camwhores should be shot dead.
This is yet another crucial lesson which i think should be emphasized to the entire student population. Although I must admit there is nothing wrong with camwhoring, camwhores who look ugly should be killed immediately. This is because with the increase in numbers of social networking websites such as Facebook, it is inevitable that an ugly girl (guys who like to camwhore are usually fags) will end up spamming it with photos of herself, robbing decent people of their eyesight and quite possibly, lives. Such visual terrorists should be locked up, because being visually assaulted by 10000 photos of ugly people smiling at cameras is more than some can handle, and should in fact be classified a Weopon of Mass Distruction. If i were the president, i would go to rjc, and declare a large 'camwhoring session'. I would then separate the eager goodlooking camwhores from the ugly ones, and shoot the latter with huge bullets shaped like cameras so that there would be quite a large quantity of irony involved (getting shot by a camera). I would then proceed to take (nude) pictures with the goodlooking camwhores. But i guess such things are only the stuff of dreams.
Lesson 5:
Your old friends are best.

Remember that it's hard to find good times like that anymore.
I realise that there are still many more valuable lessons that I have picked up, and will be able to pass on to others, and that just one post is not enough. So i shall post again tomorrow.
One day i will write a book and earn lots of money. then i will eat the money. and perhaps the book as well.
Because i am awesome like that.