Saturday, August 9, 2008
waow it has been a really long time since i last blogged! a shitload of stuff has happened like 4P chalet, CTs, match supports, buttsecks and of course, national day! 4P chalet was seriously awesome and we took alot of photographs which were mainly people pointing their middle fingers or hiok humping my ass.

there, a nice picture of me getting raped by jotham and hiokhong and nat and TOM (!?) and with bentay and spastic grinning in the background. X_X wtf huh! but not bad la chalet was damn fking fun, i seriously cannot wait for the end of year chalet which will be even more awesome cos everybody will be staying the full duration and going crazy! and btw guys paul tern's bday is coming up soon, i think i will pass around a list of what you guys would like to be done to him and we will hardcore on his bday PAUL TERN IF YOU READ THIS (which i doubt you do) YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!
national day was damn funny xD spent like 4 hours stoning with kat and only managed to watch 25 minutes of Kung Fu Hustle wtf i'm sure library counter close at 330 do what shit! talking about doing shit, chocolate stick! knvm. then after that for the actual celebration i sat with seetow and slau and tamichiobu and lisa and bentay and joshua and nat and kat and joanne and holy shit, we went totally insane. it was almost like being back in ri again! threw lightsticks up onto the gallery where the teachers were sitting, then threw them onto the stage. seetow broke a lightstick i think, since his back was glowing in the dark, wtf! swore like crazy at every single thing (actually even when there was nothing), sang all the songs damn loudly, and fked up my throat pretty badly in the process since i was screaming non stop for the 2 hours! after that took a few photos with naomi and kat like



then after that went for some hardcore phototaking on the rooftop with 4P where we had chainbuttsecks and suicide shots and of course our traditional taupok peng photos and middle finger photos! i hope those don't get uploaded anywhere public cos that would be quite bad for all our reputations (ESPECIALLY PAUL TERN WHO WAS PARTICIPATING IN THEM)!!! 4P we should really have more of these kinda sessions, maybe next one during teacher's day or smth! it should coincide with paul tern's birthday so that would be really really awesome and violent (hence awesome)!!
this is the end of my blogpost i hope i get to update my blog more often ): see you guys around in school!
about me
still waiting & wishing i could go back
avril lavigne, boys like girls,
daughtry, good charlotte, hinder, kanye west, linkin park, matchbox 20, nickelback,
one republic, paramore, robbie williams, simple plan, the all-american rejects, the red jumpsuit apparatus, weird al yankovic :D and a lot more!
more time in my life, a few more days with my old class, to be more friendly (:
wasting time with my friends, reading, drawing, writing, laughing, shouting loudly ^^
Saturday, August 9, 2008
waow it has been a really long time since i last blogged! a shitload of stuff has happened like 4P chalet, CTs, match supports, buttsecks and of course, national day! 4P chalet was seriously awesome and we took alot of photographs which were mainly people pointing their middle fingers or hiok humping my ass.

there, a nice picture of me getting raped by jotham and hiokhong and nat and TOM (!?) and with bentay and spastic grinning in the background. X_X wtf huh! but not bad la chalet was damn fking fun, i seriously cannot wait for the end of year chalet which will be even more awesome cos everybody will be staying the full duration and going crazy! and btw guys paul tern's bday is coming up soon, i think i will pass around a list of what you guys would like to be done to him and we will hardcore on his bday PAUL TERN IF YOU READ THIS (which i doubt you do) YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!
national day was damn funny xD spent like 4 hours stoning with kat and only managed to watch 25 minutes of Kung Fu Hustle wtf i'm sure library counter close at 330 do what shit! talking about doing shit, chocolate stick! knvm. then after that for the actual celebration i sat with seetow and slau and tamichiobu and lisa and bentay and joshua and nat and kat and joanne and holy shit, we went totally insane. it was almost like being back in ri again! threw lightsticks up onto the gallery where the teachers were sitting, then threw them onto the stage. seetow broke a lightstick i think, since his back was glowing in the dark, wtf! swore like crazy at every single thing (actually even when there was nothing), sang all the songs damn loudly, and fked up my throat pretty badly in the process since i was screaming non stop for the 2 hours! after that took a few photos with naomi and kat like



then after that went for some hardcore phototaking on the rooftop with 4P where we had chainbuttsecks and suicide shots and of course our traditional taupok peng photos and middle finger photos! i hope those don't get uploaded anywhere public cos that would be quite bad for all our reputations (ESPECIALLY PAUL TERN WHO WAS PARTICIPATING IN THEM)!!! 4P we should really have more of these kinda sessions, maybe next one during teacher's day or smth! it should coincide with paul tern's birthday so that would be really really awesome and violent (hence awesome)!!
this is the end of my blogpost i hope i get to update my blog more often ): see you guys around in school!