Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Hi to prove that my blog is not dead, here is the post on the final row of our class photo! You know, the one with a shitload of china men. Yup after this I will be going to Taiwan so expect my blog to be dead till 3rd of December :D unless I get internet access there. Then you can expect me to blog in Chinese! Epic fail ):
19. Leoson
Leoson has been a really nice person these 2 years, just like Joshua. He’s also been really helpful towards me… even though he has become increasingly screwed up in a good way! Hahaha I guess our class just has that kinda influence on people :D well Leoson has been very good to me so I just want to say I really appreciate it and I bet you will be really successful in the future. After that, feel free to donate me money. Thanks.
20. Edmund
Edmund is a paedophile! Who surfs guru/guro/youknowhatimean!! But other than those slightly disturbing personality traits, he is still a really great guy!! It doesn’t matter that he likes girls approximately 15 years younger than him (: or surfs porn which, according to Wikipedia, involves “the dismembering of body parts”. At least, I hope it doesn’t matter. Because actually it is kinda sick. But besides that, Edmund has been a good friend to me, and we’ve played a shit load of dota together with leoson and moses woots! Hope we can still dota when we’re in rj ><>
21. Gan
Gan is also one of the people whom I disliked at the start of sec3, but as the years passed, I have realized that he is actually a super nice person. Even though to some he might seem very ‘extra’ or ‘suck-up’, I have realized that his is not really currying favour, but real passion for subjects such as literature and English, and I respect that (like seetow’s real passion for… passion. Ya. Something like that.) Not only that, he has helped me out a few times with my literature stuffs, and lent me his laptop to play reckless driving hahahaha yay! Our friendship has really progressed throughout these 2 years and I’m proud to say that he is one of my good friends ^^ thx for everyth Gan, maybe we’ll see each other if you’re not swarmed wif gfs in rj. Nabei.
22. Peng
PENG! AHHHHHH!!!! Ok to be really honest, Peng has actually been a key factor in bringing our class closer together ^^ big-head, lollipop, chinaman etc etc… through peng, we have really gotten to know each other better! Besides that, Peng has actually been really nice to all of us, considering the fact we suan/insult/shenzhang him everyday, he has seldom gotten really angry and was able to laugh it all off. Either that or it’s just his gigantic ego (like gigantic head) but let’s just pretend it’s the former reason. Peng has been a really essential member (members?) in our class so I think all of us should really should give him a big hand (shenzhang) and remember him (them? Shit this is bloody confusing…) when we go to rj! Thx peng. Without you, I’d feel like shit. Hahaha kidding!! :D
23. Seetow
Seetow is yet another important member of 4P, like peng! Without Seetow, we’d definitely get into much less trouble, and consequently we’d have much less class spirit. Even though all the teachers seem to hate Seetow, I think we’ll all remember him as one of the bestest friend/classmate we’ve ever had in our time at RI! I don’t really have much to type here, because I am just really grateful to Seetow for all the fun and happiness he has brought to our class over the past 2 years, all the shitty situations he helped me out of (always getting screwed by teachers together), and all the projects we fked up together. Hope we can still continue to screw around together in rj! (no, not that kinda screw D:!! )
24. Slau
Slau and I have both been through a lot of crap together, like our softball season ><>
25. Chee
Okay fine, I haven’t finished yet, I was just taking advantage of the situation to do that.
Chee has been a nice person, even though he is always hardcore mugging and doing homework which noone else can be bothered to do. I respect him for that because I wish I could actually be bothered to study ;_; and not follow kevinlim’s example of reading Wikipedia (and uncyclopedia) before exams and tests. Goodluck with your life Chee, I’m pretty sure you’ll be quite successful (although you should actually try taking some time off studying to… I don’t know… say bye back to everyone. Cos tons of people in Singapore say bye to you everyday!!) So… bye, chee, bye! I will rmb to ask chee buy some food for me in RJC, although chee by recess always zao alr. Bye! :D
Okay that is my final blogpost about 4P although you could always come back again to stare at an empty blog!! Actually I’m kidding, I hope I can post more crap for you guys to read… After all, I’ve gotta treasure the holidays before we go to RJ and fk up our lives. And others’ lives. You know… Ya. See you guys!
Btw 4P class gathering? I don’t mind going to sentosa to slack, pls tell me if there’s one!
Here's a picture (against from which really reminds me about the stuff our class used to do in 3P! >< happy times... hope we won't forget )):
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Here is a consecutive post because i feel like it :D
Right Here by StaindI know I've been mistaken
But just give me a break and see the changes that I've made
I've got some imperfections
But how can you collect them all and throw them in my face
But you always find a way, to keep me right here waiting
You always find the words to say, to keep me right here waiting
And If you chose to walk away, I'd still be right here waiting
Searching for the things to say, to keep you right here waiting
I hope your not intending
To be so condescending it's as much as I can take
You're so independent; you just refuse to bend
So I keep bending till I break
But you always find a way, to keep me right here waiting
You always find the words to say, to keep me right here waiting
And if you chose to walk away, I'd still be right here waiting
Searching for the things to say, to keep you right here waiting
I've made a commitment
I'm willing to bleed for you
I needed fulfillment;
I found what I need in you
Why can't you just forgive me
I don't want to relive all my mistakes
I've made along the way
But I always find a way, to keep you right here waiting
I always find the words to say, to keep you right here waiting
But you always find a way, to keep me right here waiting
You always find the words to say, to keep me right here waiting
And if I chose to walk away, would you be right here waiting
Searching for the things to say, to keep me right here waiting
Thx to those who have waited and stood by me these years as i stumbled around my life ^^
This pic from is really nice. woots 4p for epic win!
Yay this is my 3rd post in 2 days omgwtfh4x! ^^ It just shows how much time I have. Anyways now I can proceed to the second row of our class photo! And the first guy already gives me a headache…
9. Kevinlim
Kevinlim is just… Kevinlim. When I first saw him in sec3 I thought he would be a damn boring person. And actually, he was for a while. However, I soon found out that whatever that came out of kevinlim’s mouth was just total bullshit. In fact, I have many msn chatlogs of me talking to him and slowly losing braincells (a shitload of them) in the process. However, behind this retarded façade, Kevinlim has actually helped me out through a lot of stuffs, owing to the fact that he’s almost always online. Like me. Thx kevinlim… 4P would have definitely been a lot more boring without you around (rmb your portfolio presentation hahaha!!) but if I get you in my class nxt yr I cfm die!
10. Ding
Ding is very fast. Ding is gay, like Gareth. In fact, he is gay WITH Gareth. But on a more positive note, he is not very tall. Yay :D okay even though I didn’t really talk much to Ding until school nearly ended, it has been fun knowing him. Even though I don’t really want to get too near, just in case…
11. Carvin
0_0 carvin is the master of randomness. He is also the master of sleeping behind a worksheet, with which he does very often in class. In front of the teacher. Who doesn’t notice. Carvin always has a smile on his face (a very disturbing one, but that’s a smile nonetheless) and we can always count on him to say something which leaves everyone (including himself) stumped! ((: Keep it up, don't lose your random streak k ^^
12. Nat
Nat abuses his physical advantages during a soccer game, blinding me when I was just about to take a corner. My resulting kick ended up a few centimeters from my foot. Thanks Nat. Anw I still rmb the way we made Nat laugh for pretty damn long non-stop and we also made him… jiggle. Hahaha! And we made him wear the pink bra! Nat has been really nice to tzern and me in sec4 and we really appreciate it (: thx for letting us taupok you so often too.
13. Merrill
A model pupil, Merrill deserves all your money. Now. Hahaha… No really, I mean it. Now.
14. Moses
Moses parted the –cough- sea! Haha! Truthfully, I thought Moses would be a guaikia. Ya seriously. But then, I saw him pointing middle fingers at the teachers, saying ‘wnk against the wall’, ‘FKING NOOB!!!!!’, ‘FK!!!!’ and I knew that he was like us, an A+ student! Not like Paul, who’s just a fag. Hahahaha I’m really grateful for Moses inviting me out to lan and to his chalet, and basically giving everyone in our class something to laugh about with his pro oral presentations. And now he’s highlighted hair. Ftw!
15. Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee and the PAP was a major force in our classroom :0 in fact, he was the mastermind behind most of the weird shit we did as a class. :D of course, I was never a mastermind. I was one of the model pupils. Hah. Anyway, Daniel Lee always managed to, along with bentay, get our class out of sticky situations like tedric’s ‘rmb to use a condom!’ (okay, sticky was not meant to be a pun) so I guess everyone really has to be really thankful for your great arguing skills! Gdluck in RJ ^^
16. Joshua
Lol Joshua! Joshua is really one of the nicest people in our class… He’s often helping everyone with everything and not bothering about himself, something which I really respect about him. It’s hard to find someone selfless these days. Besides me la. Ya. Joshua has also helped me out whenever I needed moral support etc and anyway I see him 3 times a week at training so I know I won’t lose touch with such a great person! And for those who were at the chalet, I DON’T MEAN THAT KINDA TOUCH!!!
17. Jotham
Hahaha when I saw jotham in sec3, i thought he was gay. After spending 2 years with him… Now im not so sure whether he’s gay, or just bi. Well. He’s been a really great friend to me, sharing notes and everything and of course bitching to me about other people, which is understandable, because he is a slut. Jotham has been with Tzern and me for quite a large amount of time, and we’ve gradually gotten to know each other better and he is really a very nice person and I really do hope we won’t lose sight of each other when he goes screwing guys in RJC and for his sex change when he grows up. Stay strong Jotham! Screw the haters! (No really, they’re mostly guys. Hahahah!!!)
18. Jorel
Jorel. Um. Jorel the Chipmunk/Gymboy has been on an up-and-down relationship with me. Actually, I don’t dare to insult him because Jorel is the imba muscleman who will own me with his manliness should I say something wrong. So Jorel, I wish you the best of luck in RJ ((: Take people’s advice seriously, and you’ll succeed! As long as you… get… smarter. OK KIDDING, DON’T CRUSH ME WITH YOUR MUSCLEZ! :0 All the best! Study hard! Start laughing again! Stop being emo!
And that concludes my super bloody long post. Thanks to people who have the patience to read up till here :D tmr I will be posting the fking longest one because there are 16000 people to post about! Die, ya? Anyway here are somemore pictures of retards together in a bunch ((: have fun everyone!

Saturday, November 17, 2007
i am still very bored but i'm only going to type about the 2nd row of our class tonight ._.
so here is a nice picture from :D
Hi guys, I’m feeling really bored which I guess is the reason for me blogging here. Rest assured, once I get something proper to do, this blog will die. Which really contradicts the url, which was actually meant to describe our class. Shit. ._. pls come back here often for updates, which you can expect once a blog. Or something like that.
After receiving Jotham’s letter (a card he gave me), I have decided to address the class in a similar fashion. Although not as gay. I’ll type a short msg to everyone in class on my blog, not only because I have really nothing to do now, but also because I have no money to buy paper, and my pen is over there! Up till now, I can’t really remember our class index number list. So I’ll go according to our class photo. Formal one duh 0_0 informal one can die!!
1. Will
To be honest, I disliked Will at the start of sec3. You can hardly blame me, as he was the strictest prefect around. And he booked me a few times too ;_; I was innocent I swearz! Anw, he’s changed because now he’s much friendlier, and more importantly, he has stopped booking people in our class. Eating in class? No problem. Playing soccer in class? Okay. Peng? BOOK HIM HAHA! It’s good that I can remember Will as a friend. (:
2. Paul
Uhhh… Paul you’re a fag. Since you probably won’t read this blog … FAG! HAHA :D
3. Bentay
Bentay you have really been one of the core members of our class, getting us into some shit and fortunately getting us back out again. I’m glad that I’ve known someone like you who is always full of screwy ideas! You’ve always managed to help me out of tight spots such as my philo assignment so I’m happy that I’ve had you as a friend for 2 years, and hopefully more than that. Thx for everything.
4. Hiok
Hiok is umm. Uhh. Over-friendly, if you know what I mean ;_; anw, even though we weren’t really THAT close (I am not talking about physically, you fags) these 2 years, he has really been a pal, helping me out with some of my more personal matters when I’m like emo and stuff. Well, I hope our friendship won’t fade away. Or rock away. You know... rockingaway... :D Hah, im a whiz at these kinda puns zomg. But hopefully not as 'pro' as Peng.
5. Tzern
Tzern has been one of my bestest friends these 2 years, which is amazing considering I didn’t even know him in sec1 and 2. He’s been with me every step of the way, and sitting beside me for I suspect 2 years 0_0 wow. And I can’t really recall many (if any) projects I didn’t do with him. Ok besides our last literature play. I know if there’s anyone I can depend on it would be Tzern, although he tricked me the last time where he told me his parents wouldn’t be home that soon but they did. When I was topless. And shouting out the window. >: ( nabei. Anw I rly rly hope that my friendship with tzern is not going to end because it has lasted 2 years and it must have been tough for him, sitting nxt to me is not easy! ^^ thx tzern for everything.
6. Tedric
Bet everyone can still remember the guaikia who was our monitor in sec3 under fsf! Fortunately, tedric has changed for the… uh… tedric has changed. Yes. Eating bread under the table for epic win 0_0 tedric has been really helpful to me for these 2 years especially when I don’t complete my hw etc so thanks tedric ^^ I hope you never get a gun though.
7. Gareth
I admit, I have not really made an effort to know Gareth well these 2 years. However, I do know that he is gay. Which is enough for just about everyone.
8. Tom
Tom has managed to sleep through classes without getting pwned by the teachers. That is a skill I really need. Even though I still sleep in classes. And get pwned by teachers. Not fair. Tom has been rly nice and all even though we always poke fun at him etc.. (tom dick harry cough cough) and all that stuffs like that ^^ you’re the most lenient prefect, along with gareth, in our class. Good for you :D bros before hos!
Okay i'll stop now cos it's getting quite late. And i want to play cs. So... i'll continue with the second row of our class tomorrow ((: cheers everyone~
4P07 :D
about me
still waiting & wishing i could go back
avril lavigne, boys like girls,
daughtry, good charlotte, hinder, kanye west, linkin park, matchbox 20, nickelback,
one republic, paramore, robbie williams, simple plan, the all-american rejects, the red jumpsuit apparatus, weird al yankovic :D and a lot more!
more time in my life, a few more days with my old class, to be more friendly (:
wasting time with my friends, reading, drawing, writing, laughing, shouting loudly ^^
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Hi to prove that my blog is not dead, here is the post on the final row of our class photo! You know, the one with a shitload of china men. Yup after this I will be going to Taiwan so expect my blog to be dead till 3rd of December :D unless I get internet access there. Then you can expect me to blog in Chinese! Epic fail ):
19. Leoson
Leoson has been a really nice person these 2 years, just like Joshua. He’s also been really helpful towards me… even though he has become increasingly screwed up in a good way! Hahaha I guess our class just has that kinda influence on people :D well Leoson has been very good to me so I just want to say I really appreciate it and I bet you will be really successful in the future. After that, feel free to donate me money. Thanks.
20. Edmund
Edmund is a paedophile! Who surfs guru/guro/youknowhatimean!! But other than those slightly disturbing personality traits, he is still a really great guy!! It doesn’t matter that he likes girls approximately 15 years younger than him (: or surfs porn which, according to Wikipedia, involves “the dismembering of body parts”. At least, I hope it doesn’t matter. Because actually it is kinda sick. But besides that, Edmund has been a good friend to me, and we’ve played a shit load of dota together with leoson and moses woots! Hope we can still dota when we’re in rj ><>
21. Gan
Gan is also one of the people whom I disliked at the start of sec3, but as the years passed, I have realized that he is actually a super nice person. Even though to some he might seem very ‘extra’ or ‘suck-up’, I have realized that his is not really currying favour, but real passion for subjects such as literature and English, and I respect that (like seetow’s real passion for… passion. Ya. Something like that.) Not only that, he has helped me out a few times with my literature stuffs, and lent me his laptop to play reckless driving hahahaha yay! Our friendship has really progressed throughout these 2 years and I’m proud to say that he is one of my good friends ^^ thx for everyth Gan, maybe we’ll see each other if you’re not swarmed wif gfs in rj. Nabei.
22. Peng
PENG! AHHHHHH!!!! Ok to be really honest, Peng has actually been a key factor in bringing our class closer together ^^ big-head, lollipop, chinaman etc etc… through peng, we have really gotten to know each other better! Besides that, Peng has actually been really nice to all of us, considering the fact we suan/insult/shenzhang him everyday, he has seldom gotten really angry and was able to laugh it all off. Either that or it’s just his gigantic ego (like gigantic head) but let’s just pretend it’s the former reason. Peng has been a really essential member (members?) in our class so I think all of us should really should give him a big hand (shenzhang) and remember him (them? Shit this is bloody confusing…) when we go to rj! Thx peng. Without you, I’d feel like shit. Hahaha kidding!! :D
23. Seetow
Seetow is yet another important member of 4P, like peng! Without Seetow, we’d definitely get into much less trouble, and consequently we’d have much less class spirit. Even though all the teachers seem to hate Seetow, I think we’ll all remember him as one of the bestest friend/classmate we’ve ever had in our time at RI! I don’t really have much to type here, because I am just really grateful to Seetow for all the fun and happiness he has brought to our class over the past 2 years, all the shitty situations he helped me out of (always getting screwed by teachers together), and all the projects we fked up together. Hope we can still continue to screw around together in rj! (no, not that kinda screw D:!! )
24. Slau
Slau and I have both been through a lot of crap together, like our softball season ><>
25. Chee
Okay fine, I haven’t finished yet, I was just taking advantage of the situation to do that.
Chee has been a nice person, even though he is always hardcore mugging and doing homework which noone else can be bothered to do. I respect him for that because I wish I could actually be bothered to study ;_; and not follow kevinlim’s example of reading Wikipedia (and uncyclopedia) before exams and tests. Goodluck with your life Chee, I’m pretty sure you’ll be quite successful (although you should actually try taking some time off studying to… I don’t know… say bye back to everyone. Cos tons of people in Singapore say bye to you everyday!!) So… bye, chee, bye! I will rmb to ask chee buy some food for me in RJC, although chee by recess always zao alr. Bye! :D
Okay that is my final blogpost about 4P although you could always come back again to stare at an empty blog!! Actually I’m kidding, I hope I can post more crap for you guys to read… After all, I’ve gotta treasure the holidays before we go to RJ and fk up our lives. And others’ lives. You know… Ya. See you guys!
Btw 4P class gathering? I don’t mind going to sentosa to slack, pls tell me if there’s one!
Here's a picture (against from which really reminds me about the stuff our class used to do in 3P! >< happy times... hope we won't forget )):
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Here is a consecutive post because i feel like it :D
Right Here by StaindI know I've been mistaken
But just give me a break and see the changes that I've made
I've got some imperfections
But how can you collect them all and throw them in my face
But you always find a way, to keep me right here waiting
You always find the words to say, to keep me right here waiting
And If you chose to walk away, I'd still be right here waiting
Searching for the things to say, to keep you right here waiting
I hope your not intending
To be so condescending it's as much as I can take
You're so independent; you just refuse to bend
So I keep bending till I break
But you always find a way, to keep me right here waiting
You always find the words to say, to keep me right here waiting
And if you chose to walk away, I'd still be right here waiting
Searching for the things to say, to keep you right here waiting
I've made a commitment
I'm willing to bleed for you
I needed fulfillment;
I found what I need in you
Why can't you just forgive me
I don't want to relive all my mistakes
I've made along the way
But I always find a way, to keep you right here waiting
I always find the words to say, to keep you right here waiting
But you always find a way, to keep me right here waiting
You always find the words to say, to keep me right here waiting
And if I chose to walk away, would you be right here waiting
Searching for the things to say, to keep me right here waiting
Thx to those who have waited and stood by me these years as i stumbled around my life ^^
This pic from is really nice. woots 4p for epic win!
Yay this is my 3rd post in 2 days omgwtfh4x! ^^ It just shows how much time I have. Anyways now I can proceed to the second row of our class photo! And the first guy already gives me a headache…
9. Kevinlim
Kevinlim is just… Kevinlim. When I first saw him in sec3 I thought he would be a damn boring person. And actually, he was for a while. However, I soon found out that whatever that came out of kevinlim’s mouth was just total bullshit. In fact, I have many msn chatlogs of me talking to him and slowly losing braincells (a shitload of them) in the process. However, behind this retarded façade, Kevinlim has actually helped me out through a lot of stuffs, owing to the fact that he’s almost always online. Like me. Thx kevinlim… 4P would have definitely been a lot more boring without you around (rmb your portfolio presentation hahaha!!) but if I get you in my class nxt yr I cfm die!
10. Ding
Ding is very fast. Ding is gay, like Gareth. In fact, he is gay WITH Gareth. But on a more positive note, he is not very tall. Yay :D okay even though I didn’t really talk much to Ding until school nearly ended, it has been fun knowing him. Even though I don’t really want to get too near, just in case…
11. Carvin
0_0 carvin is the master of randomness. He is also the master of sleeping behind a worksheet, with which he does very often in class. In front of the teacher. Who doesn’t notice. Carvin always has a smile on his face (a very disturbing one, but that’s a smile nonetheless) and we can always count on him to say something which leaves everyone (including himself) stumped! ((: Keep it up, don't lose your random streak k ^^
12. Nat
Nat abuses his physical advantages during a soccer game, blinding me when I was just about to take a corner. My resulting kick ended up a few centimeters from my foot. Thanks Nat. Anw I still rmb the way we made Nat laugh for pretty damn long non-stop and we also made him… jiggle. Hahaha! And we made him wear the pink bra! Nat has been really nice to tzern and me in sec4 and we really appreciate it (: thx for letting us taupok you so often too.
13. Merrill
A model pupil, Merrill deserves all your money. Now. Hahaha… No really, I mean it. Now.
14. Moses
Moses parted the –cough- sea! Haha! Truthfully, I thought Moses would be a guaikia. Ya seriously. But then, I saw him pointing middle fingers at the teachers, saying ‘wnk against the wall’, ‘FKING NOOB!!!!!’, ‘FK!!!!’ and I knew that he was like us, an A+ student! Not like Paul, who’s just a fag. Hahahaha I’m really grateful for Moses inviting me out to lan and to his chalet, and basically giving everyone in our class something to laugh about with his pro oral presentations. And now he’s highlighted hair. Ftw!
15. Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee and the PAP was a major force in our classroom :0 in fact, he was the mastermind behind most of the weird shit we did as a class. :D of course, I was never a mastermind. I was one of the model pupils. Hah. Anyway, Daniel Lee always managed to, along with bentay, get our class out of sticky situations like tedric’s ‘rmb to use a condom!’ (okay, sticky was not meant to be a pun) so I guess everyone really has to be really thankful for your great arguing skills! Gdluck in RJ ^^
16. Joshua
Lol Joshua! Joshua is really one of the nicest people in our class… He’s often helping everyone with everything and not bothering about himself, something which I really respect about him. It’s hard to find someone selfless these days. Besides me la. Ya. Joshua has also helped me out whenever I needed moral support etc and anyway I see him 3 times a week at training so I know I won’t lose touch with such a great person! And for those who were at the chalet, I DON’T MEAN THAT KINDA TOUCH!!!
17. Jotham
Hahaha when I saw jotham in sec3, i thought he was gay. After spending 2 years with him… Now im not so sure whether he’s gay, or just bi. Well. He’s been a really great friend to me, sharing notes and everything and of course bitching to me about other people, which is understandable, because he is a slut. Jotham has been with Tzern and me for quite a large amount of time, and we’ve gradually gotten to know each other better and he is really a very nice person and I really do hope we won’t lose sight of each other when he goes screwing guys in RJC and for his sex change when he grows up. Stay strong Jotham! Screw the haters! (No really, they’re mostly guys. Hahahah!!!)
18. Jorel
Jorel. Um. Jorel the Chipmunk/Gymboy has been on an up-and-down relationship with me. Actually, I don’t dare to insult him because Jorel is the imba muscleman who will own me with his manliness should I say something wrong. So Jorel, I wish you the best of luck in RJ ((: Take people’s advice seriously, and you’ll succeed! As long as you… get… smarter. OK KIDDING, DON’T CRUSH ME WITH YOUR MUSCLEZ! :0 All the best! Study hard! Start laughing again! Stop being emo!
And that concludes my super bloody long post. Thanks to people who have the patience to read up till here :D tmr I will be posting the fking longest one because there are 16000 people to post about! Die, ya? Anyway here are somemore pictures of retards together in a bunch ((: have fun everyone!

Saturday, November 17, 2007
i am still very bored but i'm only going to type about the 2nd row of our class tonight ._.
so here is a nice picture from :D
Hi guys, I’m feeling really bored which I guess is the reason for me blogging here. Rest assured, once I get something proper to do, this blog will die. Which really contradicts the url, which was actually meant to describe our class. Shit. ._. pls come back here often for updates, which you can expect once a blog. Or something like that.
After receiving Jotham’s letter (a card he gave me), I have decided to address the class in a similar fashion. Although not as gay. I’ll type a short msg to everyone in class on my blog, not only because I have really nothing to do now, but also because I have no money to buy paper, and my pen is over there! Up till now, I can’t really remember our class index number list. So I’ll go according to our class photo. Formal one duh 0_0 informal one can die!!
1. Will
To be honest, I disliked Will at the start of sec3. You can hardly blame me, as he was the strictest prefect around. And he booked me a few times too ;_; I was innocent I swearz! Anw, he’s changed because now he’s much friendlier, and more importantly, he has stopped booking people in our class. Eating in class? No problem. Playing soccer in class? Okay. Peng? BOOK HIM HAHA! It’s good that I can remember Will as a friend. (:
2. Paul
Uhhh… Paul you’re a fag. Since you probably won’t read this blog … FAG! HAHA :D
3. Bentay
Bentay you have really been one of the core members of our class, getting us into some shit and fortunately getting us back out again. I’m glad that I’ve known someone like you who is always full of screwy ideas! You’ve always managed to help me out of tight spots such as my philo assignment so I’m happy that I’ve had you as a friend for 2 years, and hopefully more than that. Thx for everything.
4. Hiok
Hiok is umm. Uhh. Over-friendly, if you know what I mean ;_; anw, even though we weren’t really THAT close (I am not talking about physically, you fags) these 2 years, he has really been a pal, helping me out with some of my more personal matters when I’m like emo and stuff. Well, I hope our friendship won’t fade away. Or rock away. You know... rockingaway... :D Hah, im a whiz at these kinda puns zomg. But hopefully not as 'pro' as Peng.
5. Tzern
Tzern has been one of my bestest friends these 2 years, which is amazing considering I didn’t even know him in sec1 and 2. He’s been with me every step of the way, and sitting beside me for I suspect 2 years 0_0 wow. And I can’t really recall many (if any) projects I didn’t do with him. Ok besides our last literature play. I know if there’s anyone I can depend on it would be Tzern, although he tricked me the last time where he told me his parents wouldn’t be home that soon but they did. When I was topless. And shouting out the window. >: ( nabei. Anw I rly rly hope that my friendship with tzern is not going to end because it has lasted 2 years and it must have been tough for him, sitting nxt to me is not easy! ^^ thx tzern for everything.
6. Tedric
Bet everyone can still remember the guaikia who was our monitor in sec3 under fsf! Fortunately, tedric has changed for the… uh… tedric has changed. Yes. Eating bread under the table for epic win 0_0 tedric has been really helpful to me for these 2 years especially when I don’t complete my hw etc so thanks tedric ^^ I hope you never get a gun though.
7. Gareth
I admit, I have not really made an effort to know Gareth well these 2 years. However, I do know that he is gay. Which is enough for just about everyone.
8. Tom
Tom has managed to sleep through classes without getting pwned by the teachers. That is a skill I really need. Even though I still sleep in classes. And get pwned by teachers. Not fair. Tom has been rly nice and all even though we always poke fun at him etc.. (tom dick harry cough cough) and all that stuffs like that ^^ you’re the most lenient prefect, along with gareth, in our class. Good for you :D bros before hos!
Okay i'll stop now cos it's getting quite late. And i want to play cs. So... i'll continue with the second row of our class tomorrow ((: cheers everyone~
4P07 :D